Nutrition Projects

Project Information


Evidence generation related to stunting prevention through multispectral approaches couples with appropriate complementary practices in Pishin, Balochistan

RCT was conducted to assess the acceptability, feasibility and effectiveness of food based interventions to prevent stunting among children and PLW in community settings. 

Number of nutrition approaches and actions has been implemented in Pakistan at various times; there hasn’t been a comprehensive approach to prevent under nutrition in general, and stunting specifically. World Food Program & Govt of Pakistan is implementing the nutrition interventions, and this project is focused on the research agenda to evaluate those initiatives.

 The evidence base for under nutrition and stunting prevention globally is actually quite well established. These interventions just haven’t been widely implemented/evaluated in Pakistan, so the project aimed to contribute towards filling the evidence gap for the prevention of stunting through multi-sectoral approaches coupled with appropriate complementary practices in District Pishin and adjoining area.