Chairman's Message

It gives me immense pleasure to inform you of TVI’s achievements since its establishment in 2009. TVI has successfully conducted numerous large scale school and community based vaccination and health campaigns across the country. Over 1m children and adults are vaccinated during these campaigns and millions are provided with free of cost medical treatment. These campaigns involve extensive social mobilization with influencers and decision makers like school administrators/head teacher, teachers, parents, health care providers, religious leaders, community/political leaders, health care providers, government officials and other stakeholders to impart maximum information about various initiatives.
TVI intends to increase its health awareness initiatives, especially for the improvement of MNCH in the most marginalized geographical regions and to promote enhanced public response to routine EPI vaccinations which are presently stagnant and unacceptably at low levels. We will increase our focus vaccines that are not included in the current EPI schedule and are essential for child survival and healthy growth.
In light of the inadequate health care system in Pakistan TVI face many challenges; however persistence is needed to ensure that every child is provided immunity against VPD. TVI believes in maintaining an impactful relationship with all its stakeholders, which include national and international funding agencies, academia, research organizations, public health organizations, government agencies, and the community. I request all people to assist TVI and much as possible to achieve this task and thus ensure the future of our nation.
Dr. Abdul Gaffar Billoo
TVI Chairman