Board Of Trustees

TVI is governed by its Board of Trustees (BoT). The Board is the key policy making and governance body of the organization and works independently. It formulates and approves policies and organizational systems.

Currently the BoT consists of eight board members and is headed by Chairman – Management Committee. Other office bearers of the Management Committee are Vice-Chairman and General Secretary. Management Committee have been given powers and responsibilities by the other board members for the management and overseeing / controlling of the organization affairs.

Dr. Abdul Gaffar Billoo

Founding Member and Chairman

Dr. Abdul Gaffar Billoo is a renowned pediatrician and a recipient of Sitara-i-Imtiaz (Star of Excellence) from Govt of Pakistan. Sitara-i-Imtiaz is the third highest civilian award in Pakistan; awarded to Dr. Billoo in 2007 based on his meritorious contributions in various social endeavors. He graduated from Dow Medical College Karachi in 1959 and later completed D.C.H. & M.R.C.P. from Glasgow and F.R.C.P. from Edinburgh in 1986. He has served as Professor and Head of the Pediatrics Department, Dow Medical College and Civil Hospital Karachi.

He served as Dean Faculty of Medicine, University of Karachi for three years. He was Chairman Department of Paediatrics, Aga Khan University Hospital Karachi for six years. Presently he is associated with Aga Khan University Hospital as Professor in Department of Paediatrics. Dr. Billoo is author of many national and international publications.

• Member Global Advisory Group – World Health Organization for Control of Diarrhoeal Diseases, 1980 – 1983

• Member Regional Advisory Group – World Health Organization for Expanded Programme on Immunization, 1993 – 1996

• Member Federal Advisory Group for Expanded Programme on Immunization and Control of Diarrhoeal Diseases, 1994 to date

• Founder Member and Chairman Health and Nutrition Development Society (HANDS) 1979 to date. HANDS is working for empowerment of rural communities all over Sindh.

• Member Syndicate, Dow University of Health Sciences, Karachi from June 2004 to date

Mr. Naseem Iqbal​

Founder Member & Vice Chairman

Mr. Naseem Iqbal is the CEO of Nova Leathers Pvt. Ltd. He is a very prominent member of the business community in Pakistan and has lent his support to numerous charitable endeavors in Pakistan. Apart from serving his duties as the Vice Chairman of TVI he also is a trustee of the Mother and Child Care Trust (MCCT). MCCT provides affordable health care interventions at community level and educates people in good sanitation and hygiene practices.

NOVA LEATHERS (PVT.) LIMITED is the biggest manufacturer of leather and leather garments in Pakistan. Established in 1986, NOVA LEATHERS (PVT.) LIMITED takes the forefront in having established an up to date modern leather hides and skin facility that takes on the responsibility of producing a wide variety of Real Leather ranging from Cow, Sheep, Goat and Buffalo leather. 

Mr. Irfan Iqbal

Member & General Secretary

Mr. Irfan Iqbal is a Director of Nova Leathers Pvt. Ltd. He is a prominent member of the business community in Pakistan and has lent his support to numerous charitable endeavors in Pakistan. He is also the Chairman of the Mother and Child Care Trust (MCCT). MCCT provides affordable health care interventions at community level and educates people in good sanitation and hygiene practices.

Dr. Tariq Iqbal Bhutta

Founder Member

Prof. Tariq Iqbal Bhutta is well-known pediatrician. Dr. Tariq Bhutta has served as professor at Nishtar Medical College Multan, Allama Iqbal Medical College Lahore and King Edward Medical College Lahore. He has also remained Principal of Nishtar Medical College from 1998-2000 and Dean of Medicine and Dentistry at Bahauddin Zakaria University, Multan for two years. Dr. Tariq 

Bhutta was awarded a shield by Pakistan Paediatric Association for outstanding contribution to Paediatrics and he was also awarded Certificate by the Government of Pakistan for outstanding work in the field of EPI. He received President Gold Medal for outstanding services to Child Health in 1996. In 1993 he received “Olle Hanson” Award for outstanding work in the field of Rational Drug Use in Third World Countries.

He is member of Editorial Boards of Pakistan Journal of Paediatrics, Newsletter of Network for consumer protection in Pakistan, BHODI Calcutta, India and Diabetes Karachi, Pakistan. Dr. Bhutta has been affiliated with various professional organizations. Few of them are listed below:

·       Advisory Board of the Association of Paediatric Societies of South East Asian Region (APSSEAR).1994-2004

·       President, Pakistan Paediatric Association (Punjab) from 1988 – 1990 & 1994 to 1996

·       Member of the Committee on Rational Drug Use – International Paediatric Association (IPA) from 1996

·       Chairman Essential Drugs Committee IPA

·       Member Pakistan TAG on Polio 2000 to date

·       Member Regional TAG EPI EMRO 1996- 2008

·       Chairman NITAG (National Immunization Technical Advisory Group) Pakistan 2003 to date

·       Chairman Polio Eradication Certification Committee 2000 to date

·       Member Global advisory committee on Polio 2007

·       Founder member and Ex-Vice President of NETWORK FOR CONSUMER PROTECTION formerly known as Network for Rational Drug Use for Children in Pakistan in 1990

·       Chairman, Board of Director Network for consumer protection in Pakistan 2004-2008

·       Member American Academy of Paediatrics (International Child Health Section)

·       Member Ethic committee Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital and Research Centre 2004 to date

·       Member Afghanistan Technical advisory committee 2012 

Dr. Ejaz Ahmed Vohra (Late)

Founding Member

Dr. Ejaz Ahmed Vohra is a highly regarded General Physician in Karachi. He is Dean Postgraduate Studies Clinical, Ziauddin Medical University, Karachi since April 2000 and member BASR, Academic Council. Dr. Vohra is Professor and Head of the Department of Medicine, Ziauddin Medical University, since 1st May 1996. He is also regional representative of royal college of physicians (Edinburg). 

He remained Principal from 1994 to 1996, Head of Department of Medicine & Consulting Physician & Incharge Medical Unit-I from 1973 to 1996 in Abbasi Shaheed Hospital Karachi. Dr. Vohra was also a Head of Department of Medicine & Consulting Physician & Incharge Medical Unit of Karachi Medical & Dental College from 1991 to 1996.

He completed his graduation (MBBS) from Dow Medical College – University of Karachi in 1959, MRCP from Royal College of Physician United Kingdom in 1970 and FRCP from Edinburgh in 1988.

Dr. Ejaz Ahmed Vohra has been associated with various national and international organizations:

• Coordinator, Pakistan Cardiac Society, Karachi 2000-2002
• Member executive PMJA, MRSP
• President Pakistan Society of Physicians Karachi, 1992-1994
• Central Councillor PMA, 1976 – 1984
• Pakistan Medical Association Biennal, 1984
• Member Academic Council ASH Karachi
• Chairman Scientific Committee Pakistan Society of Physicians 1988-1991
• Vice President Pakistan Society of Physician, 1986-1988
• Elected member of National Academy of Medicine
• Member executive committee SAARC cardiology society

Dr. Vohra has around 30 publications in PMDC and index journal. He is also a member of editorial boards of Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences, Monthly National Health /Quarterly specialist, Journal of infectious disease Society of Pakistan.

Mr. Iftikhar Ahmed Soomro


Mr. Iftikhar Ahmed Soomro is a well-known businessman and philanthropist. He holds a B.A (Honors) degree in Economics from the University of Karachi and has a wide and rich experience in various fields of finance and management. Presently, he is Honorary Consul General for republic of Tunisia, Director Park-Davis, Pfizer Laboratories. He is also member of Board of Governors of Karachi Grammar School, IBA, Sukkur, NASRA Public School and Army Public School, Shikarpur. 

Mr. Soomro is chairman of The Haji Moula Bukhsh (HMB) Trust. HMB is a non-profitable, voluntary Organization, registered under the Trust Act of Pakistan. The HMB Trust is committed to eradicating illiteracy by imparting quality education at low cost / no cost, plus improving quality of life of the people of Pakistan by providing free health facility /at subsidized rates.

Prof. Huma Arshad Cheema


Prof. Huma Arshad Cheema is a renowned Pediatric Gastroenterologist-Hepatologist & Nutrition expert based in Lahore. Prof. Huma joined Trust for Vaccines & Immunization in January 2022. She has established First Fellowship Program for Pediatric Gastroenterology Hepatology in Pakistan. She has established first Genetic diseases of Children center in Pakistan at Children’s Hospital Lahore and tested 2500 patients and their parents free of charge in collaboration with a German Organization.

 She has also established first Lysosomal Storage Disease LSD diagnostic and treatment center at Children’s Hospital Lahore. She received lifetime Achievement Award in 2019 from the International Society of Genetic and rare diseases for lifelong dedication to research, global patient care and clinical counseling in the field of Lysosomal Storage Disorders.

She completed her graduation (MBBS) from Punjab University Lahore in 1992, MRCP from Royal College of Physician United Kingdom in 1995 and DPGN – Diplomat Pediatric Gastroenterology & Nutrition with distinction and Gold medal University of London UK in Nov 1995.

Prof Huma has been and is associated with various national and international organizations:

•  Professor and Head Dept. of Pediatric Gastroenterology-Hepatology & Nutrition. The Children’s Hospital & Institute of Child Health Lahore, Pakistan.
•  Focal person Punjab Pediatric Liver and Bone Marrow Transplant program and she has pioneered the First Bone marrow Transplant center at Children’s Hosp. Lahore. She is Director Research and Head IRB Children’s Hospital Lahore.
•  National Director Fellowship program in Pediatric Gastroenterology-Hepatology and Nutrition: College of Physicians & Surgeons Pakistan (CPSP)
•  Chairperson Pakistan Pediatric Association Gastroenterology-Hepatology and Nutrition group
•  Organizer yearly international Congresses of Pediatric Gastroenterology Hepatology at the Children’s Hospital from 2000 onwards
•  Professor / Consultant Pediatric Gastroenterology-Hepatology Children Hospital & Institute of Child Health Lahore 6 June 2007-todate (13 years), Associate Professor (3Years) & Assistant Professor (6 years)
•  Trained at Guy’s Hospital & St Bartholomew’s Hospital London UK (1991,1995), & Worked as Consultant Pediatric Gastroenterology-Hepatology at Asir Central Teaching Hospital KSA (1996-1998)

With deep sorrow, we mourn the passing of Dr. Ejaz Ahmed Vohra, Founding Member of TVI. His invaluable contributions to public health and immunization have made a lasting impact.

May Allah grant him Jannat-ul-Firdous and give strength to his family in this difficult time. Our heartfelt condolences.