Project Information
- Health camps to increase participation in SIAs in Pakistan
- Health Camps in Super High Risk and High Risk UCs of Pakistan
- Sindh, KP, Punjab, Balochistan
- August 2021 to December 2022
- Aga Khan University, Karachi
Health camps to increase participation in SIAs in Pakistan
TVI is organizing Health Camps in Super High-Risk Union Councils (SHRUCs) and High-Risk Union Councils (HRUCs) of Sindh, Punjab, KP and Balochistan after the (Supplemental Immunization Activity) SIA campaigns to deliver basic health services and create an environment in the underprivileged community in favour of vaccination to their children. The camps are providing integrated services through outreach camps on the identified spots by the respective Provincial EOC, district team and DHO office on the basis of approved criteria. The strategy is to install health camps in the most marginalized communities with an aim to improve vaccine acceptability and cover missed and Not Available (NA) children during the polio campaign.
As a supplemental activity an extensive community based typhoid vaccination campaign was also conducted in collaboration with Town Health Office – Landhi Town in high risk areas of Landhi Town through which over 57,000 children were vaccinated.